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TRIADS: Inside Out
Week 1: Theory Overview and String Set 1
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Introduction (0:09)
Root Position Major Triad - Closed and Open Voicings (3:08)
First Inversion Major Triad (1:31)
Second Inversion Major Triad (1:15)
Major Triad Inversions on First String Set (Strings 1, 2 and 3) (3:29)
Think About the Root Notes (0:55)
F Major Triads (2:43)
Week 1 Exercise: Major Triad Inversions Explanation (1:03)
Week 1 Exercise 1: Major Triads Demo (1:39)
Minor Triad Inversions (3:05)
BONUS Exercise for Week 1: Minor Triads (1:41)
Diminished Triad Inversions (1:29)
Augmented Triad Inversions (2:14)
Week 1 Exercise 2: All Triads and Inversions (1:29)
Week 1 Exercise 2: All Triad Shapes Demo (0:36)
A Useful Augmented Triad Trick (2:23)
Week 1 Conclusion (0:17)
Week 2: Playing Progressions with the Triad Forms - Key of G Major
Introduction (0:09)
I-V Progression (Segment 1 of the Fretboard) (2:34)
I-V Progression in other Segments of Fretboard (1:43)
Sus4 Chords - Theory Explanation and Using them in the Progression (4:34)
Finding the iii Chord From the I Chord (3:41)
Locating the Other Triads in the Major Key (ii-IV-vi) (2:23)
A Root Note Scale Pattern in Segment 1 (1:33)
Week 2 Exercise 1: Chord Scale (Segment 1) (0:57)
A Root Note Scale Pattern in Segment 2 (2:08)
Week 2 Exercise 2: Chord Scale (Segment 2) (0:57)
A Root Note Scale Pattern in Segment 3 (1:12)
Week 2 Exercise 3: Chord Scale (Segment 3) (0:56)
Try to Play Through Some of Your Own Progressions Using the Triads (2:12)
Chord Progression Playthrough (2:44)
Week 3: String Set 2 and Octave Inversions
Introduction (0:19)
Octave Inversions (Major Triads) (3:33)
Week 3: Exercise 1 Major Triad Inversions (1:48)
Using the Theory to learn the Minor Triad Shapes (4:30)
Diminished and Augmented Triad Inversions on String Set 2 (2:53)
Learning the Triad Shapes with a Chord Scale (Key of A major) (3:23)
Learning different inversions with another Chord Scale (Key of E major) (1:33)
Week 3 Conclusion (1:02)
Week 4: Learning ALL the Closed Voicing Triads
Introduction (0:15)
The Rules (2:48)
Root Position Major Triads (All String Sets) (1:13)
Root Position Minor Triads (All String Sets) (0:58)
Root Position Diminished Triads (All String Sets) (1:02)
Root Position Augmented Triads (All String Sets) (0:38)
Week 4 Exercise 1: All Root Position Triads (1:52)
Week 4 Exercise 1: All Root Position Triads Demo (1:14)
First Inversion Triads (All String Sets) (2:39)
Week 4 Exercise 2: All First Inversion Triads (0:19)
Week 4 Exercise 2: All First Inversion Triads Demo (1:10)
Second Inversion Triads (All String Sets) (2:28)
Week 4 Exercise 3: All Second Inversion Triads (1:07)
Week 4 Exercise 3: All Second Inversion Triads Demo (1:12)
Week 4 Conclusion (0:36)
Week 5: CAGED Inversions
Introduction (0:26)
An overview of CAGED (2:30)
CAGED Inversions - Root Major (A-Shape into G-Shape) (2:12)
CAGED Inversions - Root Minor (A-Shape into G-Shape) (1:01)
CAGED Inversions - Root Diminished and Augmented (1:41)
Week 5 Exercise 1: CAGED Inversions starting from a Root Position (1:45)
CAGED Inversions - First Inversion Major (E-Shape) (1:37)
CAGED Inversions - First Inversion Minor (E-Shape) (0:46)
CAGED Inversions - First Inversion Diminished and Augmented (1:26)
Week 5 Exercise 2: CAGED Inversions starting from a First Inversion (1:19)
CAGED Inversions -Second Inversion Major (C-Shape) (1:32)
CAGED Inversions -Second Inversion Minor (C-Shape) (0:59)
CAGED Inversions -Second Inversion Diminished and Augmented (1:02)
Week 5 Exercise 2: CAGED Inversions starting from a Second Inversion (1:21)
Week 5 Conclusion (0:34)
Week 6: Essential Intervals - Thirds, Sixths and Tenths
Introduction (0:21)
Thirds and the Major Triad (2:28)
Thirds and other Triads (1:43)
Diatonic Thirds (3:15)
Sixths (3:27)
Vertical Sixths (2:24)
Tenths (4:34)
Week 6 Conclusion (1:30)
Week 7: Visualising Open Voicing Triads
Introduction (0:27)
How to easily create an open voicing grip from the closed voicing triads (2:47)
Moving open voicings vertically across the string sets (2:42)
Changing the intervals for the different triad qualities (2:28)
Open sus chord grips (4:15)
Moving horizontally through the inversions (2:05)
Discovering new grips simply by moving notes (3:41)
Open Triad Chord Scales (3:00)
A great exercise to visualise open voicing triads using a progression (4:59)
Open Voicing Exercise Demonstration (1:11)
Week 7 Conclusion (0:47)
Week 8: Getting More From The Triads - Seventh and Extended Chords
Introduction (0:12)
An Overview of Seventh Chords (in case you need it) (5:03)
Using Triads when playing Major Seventh Chords (4:33)
Using Triads when playing Dominant Seventh Chords (2:23)
Using Triads when playing Minor Seventh Chords (2:27)
Using Triads for m7b5 Chords (AND a summary) (3:51)
Extended Chords and Triads - The Major Ninth (5:07)
The Dominant Ninth and Minor Ninth Chords (2:35)
The Dominant Eleventh Sound (2:25)
The Triad Studies
1. Can You Be Liked? (0:24)
Can You Be Liked? Breakdown (2:20)
2. Weeping (0:32)
Weeping Breakdown (3:30)
3. Wild Carriage (0:18)
Wild Carriage Breakdown (2:27)
4. Night Time Blues (0:27)
Night Time Blues Breakdown (3:46)
5. Hail (On No!) (0:18)
Hail (Oh No!) Breakdown (3:15)
6. Raven (0:29)
Raven Breakdown (3:39)
7. For Her (0:45)
For Her Breakdown (4:17)
8. Neo Soul Train (0:22)
Neo Soul Train Breakdown (4:21)
Closing Words (0:48)
Week 4 Exercise 3: All Second Inversion Triads Demo
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